How to select suitable ERP Software

The main objective of implementing ERP software is to increase the
productivity, efficiency, and overall performance improvement of an organization.
This implementation will have a significant impact on the daily routine of an
organization. Before selecting an ERP software, the organization should set goals
and objectives it wants to achieve within a specific time period. The following
points should be evaluated in connection with our business nature and

1. Understand Unique Requirements:
Requirements vary across different business models. In a product-based
business, retailers, manufacturers, direct sellers, and franchises have different
requirements. Similarly, service-oriented organizations may deal with fee-for service, subscription-based, or commission-based models. In this context, every
ERP software has advantages and disadvantages. For effective utilization, the
organization should be well aware of the areas of our business that need coverage
through the ERP and identify other resource needs.

2. Determine Key Performance Indicators (KPIs):
Setting KPIs will determine the success of the ERP. It helps in decision-making for
performance improvement and ERP customizations.

3. Scalability:
Organizations should be aware of the future expansion of the business. In case
of expansion by users or opening branches in different locations, how the system
works and how it is charged should be considered.

4. Integration:
Our organization may use different software for different purposes. There should
be a possibility of integration. Only through the integration of different software
can a consolidated result be obtained without interrupting other organizational

5. User-Friendly:
ERP software should be easy to understand and can be comprehended with a
minimum level of training. Validation and messages should guide proper usage.

6. Mobile Application:
A mobile version should be available with core functionality, allowing monitoring
authorization status. Dashboards should be available according to user rights.

7.Data Security:
Ensure that the ERP software complies with industry regulations and data
security standards. Evaluate the security features of the ERP system to protect
sensitive business data.

8. Vendor Reputation:
Vendor reputation should be evaluated through market study. The vendor must
be well-reputed in the business world.

9. Support and Maintenance:
Evaluate the level and nature of support provided, including on-site support and
online support. Availability on call and support offered 24/7 should be considered.

10. Demo and Trial Versions:
A trial version should be available for a specific time period before purchasing the
product. During this time, the organization can evaluate the pros and cons of the

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